More than 35,000 customers worldwide
Rebecca W.
We bought the Wandago toilet for our van at the beginning of spring on the recommendation of a friend and we are more than happy. Construction as well as the first emptying were easy. Being able to change the seat-height is a great feature. Travels everywhere we go now and don’t want to miss it. Can highly recommend
Garret A.
We have been using this composting toilet almost daily since the beginning of April 2018 and are very satisfied with it. The system is ingenious and easy to handle. What more could you want! No consumption of water, but free fertilizer, which we, but also our plants in the garden, are happy about. It is a pity that this product did not exist before. We can fully recommend this toilet. Thanks to the developers.
Ann H.
To be honest, I was a little sceptical at first whether it would really work. But what can I say? It’s better than I expected. There is absolutely no odor whatsoever. It’s funny that something like this hasn’t been around for a lot longer, because then we wouldn’t have had to buy expensive chemicals for the chemical toilet over the years. By the way, we have disposed of that by now... So thanks again for the great idea!
Chris P.
I have owned a composting toilet for about 4 months and I am completely satisfied. I use it as an indoor toilet without exhaust air and it works wonderfully, without unpleasant odors. In the beginning I had some doubts, but these were quickly dispelled. A big praise to the manufacturers, great workmanship and quick feedback in case of questions!
Impressions from everyday life